When the sun is out, so are many seniors. There’s plenty of fun to be had in the summer months but caregivers and their seniors also face...

Scary Truths About Glaucoma in Seniors And What to Do About Them
Senior adults over 60 are a high risk group for developing glaucoma. Most people avoid taking these simple steps to detect glaucoma early...

How to Help Your Senior Parents Find Happiness
Isolation & loneliness are two of the main causes for senior adult depression. Learn how you can help them find joy & contentment as they...

What Does a Thyroid Problem Look Like in Senior Adults?
Thyroid diseases like hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can severely damage quality of life. Learn the symptoms, treatments & tips for...

3 Easy Tips For Seniors To Maintain Healthy Eyes & Improve Vision
Older adults are much more sensitive to eye problems as they age. By following 3 simple methods, seniors can easily protect themselves...

Important California Home Care Laws and Regulations
While In-Home Care Organizations (HCOs) have had few laws and regulations over the years, they have become increasingly regulated the...

How to: Stay Healthy As You Age
Almost every caregiver knows how difficult it can be to keep up with senior's health needs. As a caregiver, it's important to make...

10 Gardening Safety Tips for Seniors this Spring
Gardening can be a fun activity for seniors to spend time with their family, relax for themselves, spend time outdoors, care for...

6 Common Senior Scams to Avoid
Whenever Attentive Home Care hears about senior scams, we're furious. Seniors are taken advantage of due to their supposed frailty,...

New App for Caregivers & Family Caring for Those with Dementia
Attentive Home Care loves this new app, Memory Box! from Swedish Care International and Forum for elderly care! Memory box! is an...