Supporting the Senior Community: "Aging as Art" Exhibit

“Betty Jane Cantrell’s red hair is done up in rows of tight curlers. She smiles from beneath the huge helmet of a beauty salon hair dryer.
Her photo is playful and full of life, from the twinkle in her eyes to the jaunty angle of her chin. Photographer Mary Jane Blackwell says the picture she shot last summer provides a glimpse of her aunt’s personality – feisty, fun and still raring to go at 91.”
- Theresa Walker, Staff Writer, OC Register
Attentive Home Care is a major advocate for aging with pride and ensuring that the seniors who we care for remain confident and feel independent. Our caregivers always share with us how their elderly clients brighten their days just as much as they have brightened their clients’ days with companionship and heartfelt care.
This is why we would like to share with our friends this wonderful photography exhibit, “Aging as Art” at The Bowers Museum in Santa Ana, showing from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday, March 1 until Sunday, March 6! The museum is even offering a photographer reception Thursday from 5-8 p.m. where you can meet some of the photographers and discuss the wonderful concept of “Aging as Art.” The 55 portraits featured were selected from a competition sponsored by our friends at Council on Aging- Orange County.
“Aging as Art” presents a different perspective on what it means to grow old. Rather than the aches and pains, the photos express the liveliness and beauty of those who are growing old. The photos honor the elderly who are truly the fabric of our community” as Lisa Wright Jenkins, executive director of the nonprofit Council on Aging, puts it.
Many of the subjects of the photos are from Orange County and are 60 years or older, so we really encourage you to support the artists and the senior community by viewing this exhibit and sharing it with your friends and loved ones! It may give that special senior in your life the confidence boost they need and deserve! Who knows, perhaps one of the photos features your next door neighbor or that elderly woman you run into at the grocery store!
For more information, please read Theresa Walker’s OC Register article HERE or contact the writer
Photo in header by Michael Goulding, Staff Photographer, OC Register.