Christmas I Will Never Forget

When my nephew was six (6 years old) my father who had chronic emphysema and Asthma told us that he wanted to play Santa for my nephew. Well, my father went out in his garage and got dressed up with his Santa Claus outfit. This really was a struggle with Santa's beard by his nose. The family had this all planned that my father would ring the front door bell of his home and we would have my nephew answer the door.
Eveything went very well as planned. so my nephew answered the door and told us Santa Claus was here. So he took Santa by the hand and ushered him over to a high backed chair.My nephew had no idea who it was until he looked down and said "Santa you wear the same shoes as my Gramps". We all without my nephew seeing was laughing in another room while he talked to Santa.
I will never forget this Christmas as it was very special especially to my father even though he never played Santa for me or my sister. This is a true story that happened and my nephew is now 54. years old and lives on Long Island.